26 Abr 2014 Infografía sobre tecnologías emergentes
Publicado 11:00h
Publicado en Educación, infografía, Michel Zappa, Tecnología, Think Big, trend
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Gracias al blog Think Big llegamos al tecnólogo Michell Zappa y sus predicciones tecnológicas.
Nos acercamos a su propuesta Envisioning Emerging Technologies:
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«Technology is one of the most reliable, persistent and underestimated drivers of future change. This technology futures map offers a detailed look at potential technological advances in six key areas, chosen for their likelihood for significant disruptive potential on work, life, firms and policy over the next 15 years.
This piece of research was conducted jointly between Envisioning and Policy Horizons Canada. To conduct the research we scanned the horizon of emerging technologies, deduced probable future developments, speculated about implications and collectively opined about likely timeframes».
Relacionado con la tecnología, en su blog también habla del Reschooling, y el futuro de las aulas conectadas, concretando algunas de las soluciones tecnológicas del proyecto en Korea:
- Android-powered suite of applications on a 8″ Samsung tablet
- Offline IP-based mesh network between devices
- Teacher’s tablet display beamed to flatscreen TV
- Real-time synchronization of textbook pages across student devices
- Real-time display of exercise answers (tallied on screen)
Salsea por todas las ideas que comenta porque pronto las veremos a nuestro alrededor.
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